Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day "23"

For the first time in four weeks, our little family was in the same place at the same time! :) After realizing that I hadn't wiped either of my kids noses once this morning, I quickly packed them up and headed to the hospital! Jeff didn't know they were coming, so we totally surprised him! I was so proud of Kolten... As soon as he made eye contact with Jeff, he ran to him with open arms! Jeff has been so worried that he would forget him since he was so young and it had been four weeks... but that was NOT the case! He wanted to stay on Jeff's lap for most of the visit. Kolten's reaction helped Kaitlyn warm up a bit today as well! She is still a little distant, but Jeff found that gummy bears make a big difference--"Give me another hug and I'll give you more!"

As far as blood cells are concerned, there was no change today. That was a little bit of a downer! However, we still have fifteen days until Christmas, so we can procrastinate a little longer! :)


Hopie said...

Jeff's smile is worth a million dollars. Pure love of a dad, right there!!! Glad he got to see your kids!!! Stay strong.

Andrus Family said...

These pictures made me cry! I noticed Jeff's smile too...priceless! What a fun surprise! Can't wait until you can all go home together!

Woodlands said...

Great pictures!! I am so glad you were able to take the kids back to see Jeff. We hope you have good day. Keep smiling!!

Jackie said...

I love the one of Kolton looking up at his dad!

Dan,Lisa,Zeak,Jake,Kaci said...

DIdo to everything that has already been said!

I saw the Stalling Family today and they asked about you wanted you to know they are praying for you. I told them about the blog. Keep those smiles coming.

Grandma said...

That looks like an extra special family!! What a priceless picture.
Have a great day.
Mom and Dad

wenwin said...

WOW!!!!!! What a treat for Jeff. You guys look awesome together.
There have been two famous guys that I think are pretty handsome with bald heads, one being Yul Brynner and the other, Patrick Stewart, but Jeff, I think you entered in at my number three spot! You look great!

Lots of love,
Wendy :)

Lyns said...

What cute pictures! I bet it was so nice to have your whole family together! C'mon blood cells! We're waiting! (((HUGS)))

Aleisha said...

This post made me so happy. It makes you realize what is really important in this life.

shannon said...

That brought tears to my eyes!!! Kolten is such a cute kids I loved the picture of him looking up at Jeff-priceless. Jeff-keep your spirits up-we are all praying for you! And we can't wait to see you ALL at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing! Keep up the smiles and know there are allot of people praying for you!
-Roger & Mindee Erickson

Anonymous said...

your family is so cute together i hope to see more of jeff loving his kids